Ok so admittedly these didn’t fit into a specific category but they are still very useful. 




Here’s a range of questions that were posed of ATLAS the industry body along with the technical responses provided:  ATLAS Lightning-Protection-Enquiry-Cases







Though most suppliers share a number of common products we have found each one has a few key differences and often knowing where to source just the right item is invaluable. See the range of care copper round braids and tinned copper braids from Earthmet: Earthmet-brochure






A clear and helpful explanation of the changes of the changes between the 2006 and 2011 BS 62305 regulations: Changes-in-BS-EN-62305-2011-Changes-from-the-2006-Edition-ATLAS-FINAL-doc






Excellent overview document covering 3D design of Lightning Protection systems: ds158_e_dehnconcept







A useful introduction and explanation to the Dehn High Voltage Resistant, Insulated HVI Conductor: ds212_e_hvi







DEHN’s comprehensive guide to surge protection devices and solutions: Surge_Protection Green 2015








DEHN’s comprehensive guide to Lightning Protection and Earthing products and practices: External Blue Cat 2016






Kingsmill keep an interesting range of products with some obvious differences to the run of the mill suppliers, also some interesting information and tips: z.Kingsmill_Catalogue_2020








A bit of general information from Dehn on protection in hazardous areas: ds255_e_hvipower_ex_zones







We found conducrete as a products some 4 years ago now and have found it invaluable in dealing with hard-to-find earthing solutions: Conducrete-Brochure-EN







This guide to IEC 62305 is one of the best we have every found!:ericoeritechlightningprotection-iec62305earthingdesignguide-131029041250-phpapp02







We use this fixing material on any situation where the waterproofing needs to be maintained in the masonry subbase: Fischer FIS VL data sheet








Fischer FIS VL data sheetFor the more experienced LP specialist brazing with Silfos becomes a great way to supplement your exothermic welding techniques: MSDS Silfos






Lightning Enterprises and SafeStrike have worked together for more than a decade and we believe their systems are some of the best ESE systems available:   SafeStrike