Lightning Enterprise recommends all earthing systems are regularly inspected and tested and using our Certitude software we bring an unrivalled level of accuracy and reliability to the necessary reporting.

EARTHING SYSTEMS Testing and Maintenance

Much like any form of safety system earthing systems are not a one touch provision they require routine testing and sometimes maintenance to ensure they are working as required, meeting the necessary standards to ensure ongoing safety.

Over time systems can be affected by corrosion due to ground types and today even theft can be a threat to the efficacy of your systems.

Lightning Enterprise recommends all earthing systems are regularly inspected and tested and using our Certitude software we bring an unrivalled level of accuracy and reliability to the necessary reporting.

Lightning Enterprise provide:
Earth Resistivity testing
Inspection and testing of jointed systems
Step and Touch voltage calculations and reporting
Condition reports and maintenance programming

Lightning Enterprises is a first choice for reliable and accurate testing and maintenance