“Our highly knowledgeable staff design lightning protection systems to meet the most stringent standards, but always with cost and value for you the client at the centre of our minds!”
Tim Guilbert, Director


Lightning is a powerful natural phenomenon from which there are serious risks to both people and property if not properly protected. A lightning strike to or nearby a structure can cause physical damage with potential to lead to fire, explosion or damage to human life, building services and infrastructure, the effects can be economically crippling to businesses. People can also be at risk from voltages transmitted through the structures or soil, you need not be struck directly to suffer serious injury.

Ensuring your buildings and staff are correctly protected is therefore paramount and should only be entrusted to experts in their field. Lightning Enterprises have been around since the 1980’s and more than a business, lightning protection and its associated areas are our passion, we are constantly innovating our knowledge and our services to ensure our clients benefit from the best practices available.

Using every thread of their wide knowledge our highly trained knowledgeable staff design and install lightning protection systems utilising the latest industry innovations to ensure the most competitive solutions for our clients. We have solutions meeting all the necessary standards both British and European and ensure our clients are fully informed of their options and can make a well informed purchasing decision, something our clients value immensely.

When you are considering protecting your assets you want to be working with a trusted partner and Lightning Enterprises should be that partner of choice!