Utilizing quality components alongside a consistent and pragmatic design development process ensures our lightning protection systems are not only fully fit for purpose meeting the needs of the applicable regulations but also provides outstanding value to our clients both at point of installation and for many years to come, reducing maintenance costs and increasing reliability throughout the system life.


Lightning Enterprises design systems using a thorough and consistent approach, commonly we will consider multiple system types and options for suitable levels during our design concept stages and once we have processed the information at hand and settled on the basic design concept we will develop this to make the final proposal to most cost effective solution for the client. Our design proposals are deliver in clear and precise terms along with supporting information and we will always ensure these are not only presented but explained until the client is fully at ease with the proposals and able and equipped to make an informed purchasing decision. We further ensure our processes have been audited to ISO 9001 standards and continue to be so annually, this enable us to continue improving and learning for the benefit of both our clients and ourselves.

Here at lightning Enterprises we pride ourselves on always going the extra mile for our clients.

When you need clear well-presented information to enable you to decide on your lightning protection system and partner, you can do no better than Lightning Enterprises, one of the industries most experienced providers!